July DC Bar Exam to be Administered Remotely; Will be Third Remote Exam in DC
The DC Court of Appeals today announced that, in light of current pandemic projections, the July 2021 DC Bar Exam will be a remote exam, and will be the Uniform Bar Exam (recognized by 39 jurisdictions, including DC).
"The Court continues to balance concerns about the health and safety of examinees, proctors, and court staff, with its responsibility to ensure that those licensed to practice law in DC are able to perform at a top level and represent their clients well. The DC Bar Exam has traditionally been popular with law school graduates, even more so since we began offering the Uniform Bar Exam," said Chief Judge Anna Blackburne-Rigsby. "Given the ongoing serious health concerns related to COVID-19 and that we were able to administer the October remote exam successfully, with nearly 1,700 exam takers, we feel confident that this is the right decision for the July exam and wanted to alert potential exam-takers as early as possible."
The application period for DC's administration of the July Uniform Bar Exam will open at 10:00 am Eastern Time on May 3, 2021, and will close at 5:00 pm Eastern Time on May 21, 2021. There will be no late application period. Applicants who sit for the February 2021 exam will have their results by May 14, 2021, which will allow time for unsuccessful February applicants to reapply. Applicants may check the National Conference of Bar Examiners website for additional information regarding the remote Uniform Bar Exam and the Committee on Admissions webpage for updates on the DC Bar exam.
BAR EXAM QUESTIONS should be directed to 202/ 879-2710.