DC Court of Appeals Announces 2-week Pause in Bar Application Process in Late April for New System

The DC Court of Appeals' Committee on Admissions announced that it will be upgrading its application system in late April, which will require a two-week pause in acceptance of applications.  The new system will have several advantages for applicants.

The new system will significantly streamline the application process.  The current application process requires two steps: 1) Applicants must submit NCBE Character and Fitness Questionnaire/supplemental documents and then 2) Applicants must create an account for filing and payment.   The new system will consolidate these steps so that applicants will only need to provide information and supplemental documents in one place.  The new system will transmit applicants' data to NCBE to conduct the character and fitness investigation.  The new system will also be more efficient for the Committee on Admissions to review applications, ultimately reducing the turnaround time and expediting certification of applications.  (Note:  Applications will not be delayed because they are reviewable for certification only after the completion of the NCBE investigation, which is unaffected by pause.)

"We regret the brief pause in acceptance of applications, but are confident that the new system will be far more user-friendly to help streamline the application process going forward,said DC Court of Appeals Chief Judge Anna Blackburne-Rigsby.  "We are letting all potential applicants know nearly six weeks in advance so they have sufficient time to get materials in prior to the pause, if they so choose."

To implement the new system, there will be a pause.  Those wanting to apply prior to the pause, must submit the NCBE character and fitness questionnaire/supplemental documents and submit payment in the current system by April 15.  Any incomplete applications will be deleted after that date, and data will be lost.

The Court will then 'pause' the system, so that applicants will not be able to create accounts or submit payments to the court between April 16 to May 3.  Applicants may submit NCBE character and fitness questionnaire/supplemental documents during this period (see https://www.ncbex.org/character-and-fitness) and then create an account and submit payment when the new system is live May 3.

Those with questions can email AdmissionAccountPause@dccsystem.gov.